Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring Teas

Spring is on its way and I've noticed an increase in tea party events.
Our local Christian Womens Club in hosting a tea for the month of March.
There is also a big tea party event "Tea on the Sea and Fashion Show" put on by a very active Senior Center. It's being held as a fund raiser.
The Victorian Tea Society that I belong to is having their annual Spring Tea in April. They are also having a Fashion Show put on by Coldwater Creek. It is being held at a beautiful Country Club. There will be vendors, and a wonderful tea luncheon.
Several churches in this area are also hosting Spring Teas. So many to attend, so little time!
Why not welcome Spring and beat the winter doldrums by hosting a tea yourself? Choose any of the fun mystery tea parties and receive a free
7 page party planning guide. Just click on
Too busy? Host a pot-luck mystery theme tea party. Ask each guest to provide a particular item for the party, and save yourself alot of work.
Pot-lucks are always fun.