Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tea Parties

I have attended 3 tea parties in one week! Dates had to be changed to accomodate every one's busy schedules, and so it just so happened that they all fell in one week.
One tea was at Barbara's Victorian Tea House in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. The home is on the historical society's list, and was a wonderful old fashioned home. The food and tea service was excellent, and my Victorian Tea Society group had a lovely time. I highly recommend it, if you are in the area.
A few days later, another tea group that I belong to held thier monthly tea in a member's home.
Her theme was tea and roses. A lovely centerpiece of fresh roses adorned the table. We enjoyed tea, salad and tea sandwiches and too many desserts.
Then, on the week-end, I attended a monthly tea that a friend does every month for 16 to 24 friends. This remarkable friend is in a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop her from hosting her teas. Her theme was a red, white and blue picnic. She sets up tables in her kitchen, dining room, den and enclosed garden room to accomodate her guests.
I hope you take advantage of the summer months to host a tea party yourself. There are so many delightful teas to serve iced, and they are so refreshing.

1 comment:

  1. My women's group the United Methodist Women just enacted Who Killed the Roving Romeo. It was an immediate success even before the event date. The average age of these women is 82. They had the best time practicing their lines are home with family members. We had a record crowd at our annual tea of 32. Only one person guessed the
    fun loving Louise as the murderess. Keep up the creative writing, I would like to use another Mystery Tea in thefuture, hmmmmmmmmmmm which one to choose? Susan

    Numbers 6:24-26
